File extension for TIGER data files.
Enumeration Members
Enumeration Member | Value | Description |
Attributes | ".dbf" | Tabular attribute metadata. |
EntityAttributeMetadata | ".shp.ea.iso.xml" | ISO 191 (entity and attribute) metadata. |
FGDCMetadata | ".shp.xml" | Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata. |
Index | ".shx" | Index of the feature geometry for quick access. |
ISOMetadata | ".shp.iso.xml" | International Organization for Standardization (ISO 191) metadata. |
None | "" | - |
Projection | ".prj" | Coordinate system information. Describes the projection of the geographic data. |
Shape | ".shp" | Feature geometry, i.e. the shape of the geographic area. |
Zip | ".zip" | Compressed ZIP archive. |