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Defines the current class of a geographic entity. These codes can be found in the TIGER/Line products, gazetteer files, and other products.


MAF/TIGER Feature Class Code

Enumeration Members

Enumeration MemberValueDescription
AerialTramwaySkiLift"L4031"A conveyance that transports passengers or freight in carriers suspended from cables and supported by a series of towers.
AirportAirfield"K2451"A manmade facility maintained for the use of aircraft. [including airstrip, landing field, and landing strip]
AirportStatisticalRepresentation"K2457"The area of an airport adjusted to include whole tabulation blocks used for the delineation of urban areas.
AlaskaNativeRegionalCorporation"G2200"Corporate entities with legal boundaries established to conduct both business and nonprofit affairs of Alaska Natives pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-203). There are twelve geographically defined ANRCs and they are all within and cover most of the State of Alaska (the Annette Island Reserve—an American Indian reservation—is excluded from any ANRC).
AlaskaNativeVillageOfficialPoint"C3085"A point that serves as the core of an Alaska Native village and is used in defining Alaska Native village statistical areas.
AlaskaNativeVillageStatisticalArea"G2130"A statistical area that represents the more densely settled portion of Alaska Native villages (ANVs), which constitute associations, bands, clans, communities, groups, tribes, or villages recognized pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (Public Law 92-203).
Alley"S1730"A service road that does not generally have associated addressed structures and is usually unnamed. It is located at the rear of buildings and properties and is used for deliveries.
AmericanIndianArea"G2100"A legally defined state- or federally recognized reservation and/or off-reservation trust land entity (excluding statistical American Indian and Alaska Native areas).
AmericanIndianJointUseArea"G2170"An area administered jointly and/or claimed by two or more American Indian tribes.
AmusementCenter"K2564"A facility that offers entertainment, performances or sporting events. Examples include arena, auditorium, theater, stadium, coliseum, race course, theme park, fairgrounds and shooting range.
ApartmentBuildingComplex"K1121"A building complex that contains multiple living quarters generally for which rent is paid.
BayEstuaryGulfSound"H2051"A body of water partly surrounded by land. [includes arm, bight, cove, and inlet]
BikePathOrTrail"S1820"A path that is used for manual or small, motorized bicycles, being either too narrow for or legally restricted from vehicular traffic.
BlockGroup"G5030"A cluster of census blocks having the same first digit of their four-digit identifying numbers within a Census Tract. For example, block group 3 (BG 3) within a Census Tract includes all blocks numbered from 3000 to 3999.
BoundaryMonumentPoint"C3079"A locational marker or monument placed on or near a boundary line to preserve and identify the location of the boundary line on the ground.
BraidedStream"H3013"A natural flowing waterway with an intricate network of interlacing channels.
BridlePath"S1830"A path that is used for horses, being either too narrow for or legally restricted from vehicular traffic.
BusTerminal"K2453"A place where travelers can board and exit mass motor vehicle transit, including associated ticketing, freight, and other commercial offices.
Campground"K1228"An area used for setting up mobile temporary living quarters (camp) or holding a camp meeting, sometimes providing utilities and other amenities.
CanalDitchAqueduct"H3020"An artificial waterway constructed to transport water, to irrigate or drain land, to connect two or more bodies of water, or to serve as a waterway for watercraft. [includes lateral]
Cemetery"K2582"A place or area for burying the dead. [including burying ground and memorial garden]
CensusDesignatedPlace"G4210"A statistical area that is defined for a named concentration of population and is the statistical counterpart of an incorporated place.
CensusDivision"G1200"A grouping of states and the District of Columbia that is a subdivision of the four Census Regions.
CensusRegion"G1100"A grouping of states and the District of Columbia for the presentation of census data. The United States is subdivided into four Census Regions—Northeast, South, Midwest, and West.
CensusTract"G5020"Relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a County or equivalent feature delineated by local participants as part of the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program.
CityTownHall"K2196"A facility that houses the chief administrative offices of a local municipal government.
CliffEscarpment"L4125"A very steep or vertical slope. [including bluff, crag, head, headland, nose, palisades, precipice, promontory, rim, and rimrock]
Coastline"L4150"The line that separates either land or Inland water from Coastal, Territorial or Great Lakes water. Where land directly borders Coastal, Territorial or Great Lakes water, the shoreline represents the Coastline. Where Inland water (such as a river) flows into Coastal, Territorial or Great Lakes water, the closure line separating the Inland water from the other class of water represents the Coastline.
CombinedNewEnglandCityTownArea"G3200"A grouping of adjacent New England city and town areas that have a degree of economic and social integration, as measured by commuting.
CombinedStatisticalArea"G3100"A grouping of adjacent metropolitan and/or micropolitan statistical areas that have a degree of economic and social integration, as measured by commuting.
CommercialWorkplace"K2300"A place of employment for wholesale, retail, or other trade.
CommunityCenter"K2146"A meeting place used by members of a community for social, cultural, or recreational purposes.
CongressionalDistrict"G5200"The 435 areas from which people are elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Additional equivalent features exist for state equivalents with nonvoting delegates or no representative. The subtypes of this feature are 111th, 113th, 114th, 115th, 116th, 117th, and 118th Congressional Districts, plus subsequent Congresses.
Connector"H1100"A known, but nonspecific, hydrographic connection between two nonadjacent water features.
ConsolidatedCity"G4120"An incorporated place that has merged governmentally with a county or minor civil division, but one or more of the incorporated places continues to function within the consolidation. It is a place that contains additional separately incorporated places.
ConventionCenter"K2167"An exhibition hall or conference center with enough open space to host public and private business and social events.
ConventMonasteryRectoryOtherReligiousGroupQuarters"K1239"An institution intended for residential use by those having a religious vocation.
CountyEquivalentFeature"G4020"The primary division of a state or state equivalent area. The primary divisions of 48 states are termed County, but other terms are used such as Borough in Alaska, Parish in Louisiana, and Municipio in Puerto Rico. This feature includes independent cities, which are incorporated places that are not part of any county.
CountyParkForestRecreationArea"K2186"A place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under the administration of a county government.
CountySubdivision"G4040"The primary divisions of counties and equivalent features for the reporting of Census Bureau data. The subtypes of this feature are Minor Civil Division, Census County Division/Census Subarea, and Unorganized Territory. This feature includes independent places, which are incorporated places that are not part of any county subdivision.
CountySubdivisionParkForestRecreationArea"K2187"A place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under the administration of a minor civil division (town/township) government.
CrewOfVesselLocation"K1225"A point or area in which the population of military or merchant marine vessels at sea are assigned, usually being at or near the home port pier.
CulDeSac"C3061"An expanded paved area at the end of a street used by vehicles for turning around. The placement of addressed structures located along the street may wrap around the end of the cul-de-sac.
Dam"C3027"A barrier built across the course of a stream to impound water and/or control water flow.
EconomicCensusPlace"G4300"The lowest level of geographic area for presentation of some types of Economic Census data. It includes incorporated places, consolidated cities, census designated places (CDPs), minor civil divisions (MCDs) in selected states, and balances of MCDs or counties. An incorporated place, CDP, MCD, or balance of MCD qualifies as an economic census place if it contains 2,500 or more residents, or 2,500 or more jobs, according to the most current data available.
ElementarySchoolDistrict"G5400"A geographic area within which officials provide public elementary grade-level educational services for residents.
Estate"G4050"A subdivision of the three major islands in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). The estates have legally defined boundaries and are much smaller in area than the Census Subdistricts (USVI county subdivisions), but do not necessarily nest within these districts.
FarmVineyardWineryOrchard"K2364"An agricultural establishment where crops are grown and/or animals are raised.
FederalPenitentiaryStatePrisonPrisonFarm"K1237"A facility that serves as a place for the confinement of adult persons in lawful detention, administered by the federal government or a state government.
FenceLine"L4110"A man-made barrier enclosing or bordering a field, yard, etc., usually made of posts and wire or wood, used to prevent entrance, to confine, or to mark a boundary.
FerryCrossing"L4165"A nonvisible feature defining the route used to carry or convey people or cargo back and forth over a waterbody in a boat.
FireDepartment"K2193"A facility that houses equipment and personnel to fight fires and provide other assistance.
Gate"C3066"A movable barrier across a road.
Glacier"H2081"A body of ice moving outward and down slope from an area of accumulation; an area of relatively permanent snow or ice on the top or side of a mountain or mountainous area. [includes ice field and ice patch]
GolfCourse"K2561"A public or private facility designed for playing golf.
GovernmentalWorkplaces"K2100"A place where employees are employed in federal, state, local, or tribal government.
GovernmentCenter"K2165"A place used by members of government (either federal, state, local, or tribal) for administration and public business.
HawaiianHomeLand"G2120"A legal area held in trust for the benefit of Native Hawaiians by the state of Hawaii, pursuant to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920, as amended.
HelicopterLandingPad"K2460"A fairly level and usually paved expanse used by helicopters for taking off and landing.
HospitalHospiceUrgentCareFacility"K1231"A facility where the sick or injured may receive medical or surgical attention. [including infirmary]
HotelMotelResortSpaHostelYMCAOrYWCA"K1227"A facility providing transient lodging or living quarters, generally for some payment.
HousingFacilityDormitoryForWorkers"K1226"A facility providing housing for a number of persons employed as semi-permanent or seasonal laborers.
IncorporatedPlace"G4110"A legal entity incorporated under state law to provide general-purpose governmental services to a concentration of population. Incorporated places are generally designated as a city, borough, municipality, town, village, or, in a few instances, have a different legal description.
IncorporatedPlaceParkForestRecreationArea"K2188"A place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under the administration of a municipal government.
IndustrialBuildingIndustrialPark"K2362"One or more manufacturing establishments within an area zoned for fabrication, construction, or other similar trades.
IntermittentShoreline"P0003"The boundary between land and water (when water is present) for a water feature that does not exist year-round.
InternalUSCensusBureauUse"S1750"Internal U.S. Census Bureau use.
Island"C3023"An area of dry or relatively dry land surrounded by water or low wetland. (including archipelago, atoll, cay, hammock, hummock, isla, isle, key, moku, and rock)
JettyBreakwater"C3025"A durable, permanent structure, extending into a body of water, built to protect a shoreline from erosion, to form a protected coastal marina/harbor, or to create stable channels for navigation. Unlike piers and docks, water does not flow under it. Alternatively referred to as a groyne, groin, seawall, or bulwark.
JuvenileInstitution"K1235"A facility (correctional or non-correctional) where groups of juveniles reside; this includes training schools, detention centers, residential treatment centers and orphanages.
LakePond"H2030"A standing body of water that is surrounded by land.
Levee"C3024"An embankment flanking a stream or other flowing water feature to prevent overflow.
Library"K2195"A facility in which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials are kept for public use.
LighthouseBeacon"C3074"A manmade structure, higher than its diameter, used to transmit light and possibly sound generally to aid in navigation.
LocalityPoint"C3081"A point that identifies the location and name of a locality (e.g., crossroad, community, populated place or locale) that usually does not have a formally established boundary.
LocalJailDetentionCenter"K1236"A facility that serves as a place for the confinement of adult persons in lawful detention, administered by a local (tribal, county, municipal, etc.) government.
LocalNeighborhoodRoadRuralRoadCityStreet"S1400"Generally a paved non-arterial street, road, or byway that usually has a single lane of traffic in each direction. Roads in this feature class may be privately or publicly maintained. Scenic park roads would be included in this feature class, as would (depending on the region of the country) some unpaved roads.
Marina"K2424"A place where privately owned, light-watercraft and/or houseboats are moored.
MarineTerminal"K2454"A place where travelers can board and exit water transit or where cargo is handled, including associated ticketing, freight, and other commercial offices.
MetropolitanDivision"G3120"A county or grouping of counties that is a subdivision of a Metropolitan Statistical Area containing an urbanized area with a population of 2.5 million or more.
MetropolitanMicropolitanStatisticalArea"G3110"An area containing a substantial population nucleus together with adjacent communities having a high degree of economic and social integration with that core, as measured by commuting. Each area is defined using whole counties and equivalents.
MilitaryInstallation"K2110"An area owned and/or occupied by the Department of Defense for use by a branch of the armed forces (such as the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard), or a state owned area for the use of the National Guard.
MonumentMemorial"C3078"A manmade structure to educate, commemorate, or memorialize an event, person, or feature.
MountainPeakOrSummit"C3022"A prominent elevation rising above the surrounding level of the Earth's surface.
MuseumVisitorCenterCulturalCenterTouristAttraction"K2545"An attraction of historical, cultural, educational or other interest that provides information or displays artifacts.
Nation"G1000"This feature represents sovereign states recognized by the U.S. Department of State. For Census Bureau purposes, the area for which the decennial census is conducted, which is the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). The feature may also include other sovereign states such as Canada and Mexico, but currently does not do so.
NationalForestOtherFederalLand"K2182"Land under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Forest Service or other federal agency, excluding National Park Service land.
NationalParkServiceLand"K2181"Land under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, including National Parks, most National Monuments, and certain other lands.
NewEnglandCityTownDivision"G3220"A grouping of cities and towns in New England that is a subdivision of a New England City and Town Area containing an urbanized area with a population of 2.5 million or more.
NewEnglandCityTownMetropolitanMicropolitanStatisticalArea"G3210"An area containing a substantial population nucleus together with adjacent communities having a high degree of economic and social integration with that core, as measured by commuting. Each area is defined using Minor Civil Divisions (MCDs) in New England.
NonvisibleLinearLegalStatisticalBoundary"P0001"A legal/statistical boundary line that does not correspond to a shoreline or other visible feature on the ground.
NursingHomeRetirementHomeHomeForTheAged"K1233"A facility to house and provide care for the elderly.
OceanSea"H2053"The great body of salt water that covers much of the Earth.
OfficeBuildingOfficePark"K2363"One or more structures containing employees performing business, clerical, or professional services.
OklahomaTribalStatisticalArea"G2140"A statistical entity identified and delineated by the Census Bureau in consultation with federally recognized American Indian tribes that have no current reservation, but had a former reservation in Oklahoma.
OtherCorrectionalInstitution"K1238"A facility that serves as a place for the confinement of adult persons in lawful detention, not elsewhere classified or administered by a government of unknown jurisdiction.
OtherEmploymentCenter"K2366"A place of employment not elsewhere classified or of unknown type.
OtherNonVisibleEdge"P0004"An edge that does not represent a legal/statistical boundary, and does not correspond to a shoreline or other visible feature on the ground. Many such edges bound area landmarks, while many others separate water features from each other (e.g., where a bay meets the ocean).
OtherParkForestRecreationArea"K2190"A place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under the administration of some other type of government or agency such as an independent park authority or commission.
Park"K2180"A place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource.
ParkingLotRoad"S1780"The main travel route for vehicles through a paved parking area. This may include unnamed roads through apartment/condominium/office complexes where pull-in parking spaces line the road.
PerennialShoreline"P0002"The more-or-less permanent boundary between land and water for a water feature that exists year-round.
PierDock"K2432"A platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles. This platform may provide access to ships and boats, or it may be used for recreational purposes.
Pipeline"L4010"A long tubular conduit or series of pipes, often underground, with pumps and valves for flow control, used to transport fluid (e.g., crude oil, natural gas), especially over great distances.
PlaceOfWorship"K3544"A sanctified place or structure where people gather for religious worship; examples include church, synagogue, temple, and mosque.
PlanningRegion"G6400"A grouping of municipios (county equivalents) defined by Puerto Rico officials for the purpose of presenting economic census statistical data.
PointToPointLine"L4130"A line defined as beginning at one location point and ending at another, where each of these points is usually in sight of the other and no structures are in proximity to the line. This includes straight-line, nonvisible, 180-degree extensions off the ends of a terminating linear feature.
PoliceStation"K2194"A facility that is the headquarters for law enforcement officers.
PostOffice"K2191"An official facility of the U.S. Postal Service used for processing and distributing mail and other postal material.
Powerline"L4020"One or more wires, often on elevated towers, used for conducting high-voltage electric power.
PrimaryRoad"S1100"Primary roads are limited-access highways that connect to other roads only at interchanges and not at at-grade intersections. This category includes Interstate highways, as well as all other highways with limited access (some of which are toll roads). Limited-access highways with only one lane in each direction, as well as those that are undivided, are also included under S1100.
PrivateParkForestRecreationArea"K2189"A privately owned place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource.
PrivateRoadForServiceVehicles"S1740"A road within private property that is privately maintained for service, extractive, or other purposes. These roads are often unnamed.
PropertyParcelLine"L4140"A cadastral boundary line separating two distinct real property parcels or a Public Land Survey System or equivalent survey line.
PublicUseMicrodataArea"G6120"Statistical geographic areas defined for the tabulation and dissemination of American Community Survey (ACS) and Puerto Rico Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data, as well as ACS period estimates, and decennial census data. Nesting within states or equivalent entities, PUMAs cover the entirety of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
QuarryOpenPitMine"C3026"An area from which commercial minerals are or were removed from the Earth; not including an oilfield or gas field.
RailFeature"R1011"A fixed rail line, generally visible from the surface, which carries any type of rail vehicle including railroad, off-street transit and mountain rail systems.
Ramp"S1630"A road that allows controlled access from adjacent roads onto a limited access highway, often in the form of a cloverleaf interchange.
RegionalParkForestRecreationArea"K2185"A place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under the administration of a regional government.
Reservoir"H2040"An artificially impounded body of water.
RidgeLine"L4121"The line of highest elevation along a ridge.
RunwayTaxiway"K2459"A fairly level and usually paved expanse used by airplanes for taking off and landing at an airport.
SchoolAcademy"K2543"An institution for preschool, elementary or secondary study, teaching, and learning.
SeaplaneAnchorage"K2455"A place where an airplane equipped with floats for landing on or taking off from a body of water can debark and load.
SecondaryRoad"S1200"Secondary roads are main arteries that are not limited access, usually in the U.S. highway, state highway, or county highway systems. These roads have one or more lanes of traffic in each direction, may or may not be divided, and usually have at-grade intersections with many other roads and driveways. They often have both a local name and a route number.
SecondarySchoolDistrict"G5410"A geographic area within which officials provide public secondary grade-level educational services for residents.
ServiceDrive"S1640"A road, usually paralleling a limited access highway, that provides access to structures and/or service facilities along the highway. These roads can be named and may intersect with other roads.
ShelterMission"K1229"A facility providing low-cost or free living quarters established by a welfare or educational organization for the needy people of a district.
ShoppingCenterMajorRetailCenter"K2361"A group of retail establishments within a planned subdivision sharing a common parking area.
SolarFarm"C3077"A facility where power is generated from the sun.
Stairway"S1720"A pedestrian passageway from one level to another by a series of steps.
StateDesignatedTribalStatisticalArea"G2150"A statistical geographic entity identified and delineated for the Census Bureau by a state-appointed liaison for a state-recognized American Indian tribe that does not currently have a reservation and/or lands in trust.
StateEquivalentFeature"G4000"The primary governmental divisions of the United States. The District of Columbia is treated as a statistical equivalent of a state for census purposes, as are Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
StateLegislativeDistrictLowerChamber"G5220"Areas established by a state or equivalent government from which members are elected to the lower chamber of a state governing body. The lower chamber is the House of Representatives in a bicameral legislature. The subtypes of this feature are legislative session year, such as 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, and so forth, with the year indicating the vintage of the district.
StateLegislativeDistrictUpperChamber"G5210"Areas established by a state or equivalent government from which members are elected to the upper or unicameral chamber of a state governing body. The upper chamber is the senate in a bicameral legislature, and the unicameral case is a single house legislature (Nebraska). The subtypes of this feature are legislative session year, such as 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, and so forth, with the year indicating the vintage of the district.
StateParkForestRecreationArea"K2184"A place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under the administration of a state government.
StreamRiver"H3010"A natural flowing waterway. [includes anabranch, awawa, branch, brook, creek, distributary, fork, kill, pup, rio, and run]
SubMinorCivilDivision"G4060"Legally defined divisions (subbarrios) of minor civil divisions (barrios-pueblo and barrios) in Puerto Rico.
SurveyControlPoint"C3080"A point on the ground whose position (horizontal or vertical) is known and can be used as a base for additional survey work.
TabulationBlock"G5040"The lowest-order census defined statistical area. It is an area, such as a city block, bounded primarily by physical features but sometimes by invisible city or property boundaries. A tabulation block boundary does not cross the boundary of any other geographic area for which the Census Bureau tabulates data. The subtypes of this feature are Count Question Resolution (CQR), current, and tabulation census.
TankFarm"C3075"One or more manmade structures, used for liquid or gas storage or for distribution activities.
TollBooth"C3067"A structure or barrier where a fee is collected for using a road.
Tower"C3071"A manmade structure, higher than its diameter, generally used for observation, storage, or electronic transmission.
TrafficCircle"C3062"A circular intersection allowing for continuous movement of traffic at the meeting of roadways, when the circle is represented as a point.
TrailerCourtMobileHomePark"K1223"An area in which parking space for house trailers is rented, usually providing utilities and services.
TrainStationTrolleyMassTransitRailStation"K2452"A place where travelers can board and exit rail transit lines, including associated ticketing, freight, and other commercial offices.
TransportationTerminal"K2400"A facility where one or more modes of transportation can be accessed by people or for the shipment of goods; examples of such a facility include marine terminal, bus station, train station, airport and truck warehouse.
TreatmentPond"H2041"An artificial body of water built to treat fouled water.
TribalBlockGroup"G2410"A cluster of census blocks within a single tribal census tract delineated by American Indian tribal participants or the Census Bureau for the purpose of presenting demographic data.
TribalCensusTract"G2400"A relatively small and permanent statistical subdivision of a federally recognized American Indian reservation and/or off-reservation trust land, delineated by American Indian tribal participants or the Census Bureau for the purpose of presenting demographic data.
TribalDesignatedStatisticalArea"G2160"A statistical geographic entity identified and delineated for the Census Bureau by a federally recognized American Indian tribe that does not currently have a reservation and/or off-reservation trust land.
TribalParkForestRecreationArea"K2183"A place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under the administration of an American Indian tribe.
TribalSubdivision"G2300"Administrative subdivisions of federally recognized American Indian reservations, off-reservation trust lands, or Oklahoma tribal statistical areas (OTSAs). These entities are internal units of self-government or administration that serve social, cultural, and/or economic purposes for the American Indians on the reservations, off-reservation trust lands, or OTSAs.
UnifiedSchoolDistrict"G5420"A geographic area within which officials provide public educational services for all grade levels for residents.
UniversityCollege"K2540"An institution for post-secondary study, teaching, and learning. [including seminary]
UrbanArea"G3500"For the 2020 Census, an urban area will comprise a densely developed core of census blocks that meet minimum housing unit density requirements, along with adjacent territory containing non-residential urban land uses as well as other lower density territory included to link outlying densely settled territory with the densely settled core. To qualify as an urban area, the territory identified according to the criteria must encompass at least 2,000 housing units or at least 5,000 persons.
UrbanGrowthArea"G6330"An area defined under state authority to manage urbanization that the U.S. Census Bureau includes in its products in agreement with an individual state.
VehicularTrail4WD"S1500"An unpaved dirt trail where a four-wheel drive vehicle is required. These vehicular trails are found almost exclusively in very rural areas. Minor, unpaved roads usable by ordinary cars and trucks belong in the S1400 category.
VotingDistrict"G5240"The generic name for the geographic features, such as precincts, wards, and election districts, established by state, local, and tribal governments for the purpose of conducting elections.
WalkwayPedestrianTrail"S1710"A path that is used for walking, being either too narrow for or legally restricted from vehicular traffic.
WindmillFarm"C3076"A facility where power is generated from the wind.
WinterTrail"S1810"A type of seasonal trail, created and marked in snow, primarily traveled by snowmobiles and dog sleds, and used to reach housing units and to connect communities.
ZIPCodeTabulationArea"G6350"An approximate statistical-area representation of a U.S. Postal Service (USPS) 5-digit ZIP Code service area.
Zoo"K2586"A facility in which terrestrial and/or marine animals are confined within enclosures and displayed to the public for educational, preservation, and research purposes.