GeoIDPart | A part of a GeoID to it's respective name. |
LandWaterBlockType | - |
LegalStatisticalAreaDescription | Describes the particular typology for each geographic entity. |
StateAbbreviation | Two-letter abbreviations of a US states. |
StateName | US State abbreviations to their full names. |
TerritoryAbbreviation | - |
TIGERClassCode | Defines the current class of a geographic entity. These codes can be found in the TIGER/Line products, gazetteer files, and other products. |
TIGERFunctionalStatus | A code indicating the functional status of a governmental unit. |
TIGERGeographicClassification | A code indicating the classification of the block, i.e. urban or rural. |
TIGERProperty | - |
GeoIDInputMatcher | - |
GeoIDParsingError | - |
ParsedGeoIDBlockLevel | A GeoID parsed to the block level. The most granular level. |
StateDetails | Details about a US State or Territory. |
TIGERBlockFeature | - |
TIGERBlockFeatureCollection | - |
TIGERBlockGroup | - |
TIGERCounty | - |
TIGERCountySubdivision | Census Geographic subdivision of a county. |
TIGERPropertyRecord | Properties common to all Census. |
TIGERState | A US state as defined by the Census Bureau's TIGER system. |
TIGERStateManifest | A full TIGER manifest for a specific state. |
TIGERTabulatedBlock | A tabulated block from the TIGER/Line dataset. |
TIGERTract | - |
$TigerTabulatedBlock | - |
AdminLevel1Abbreviation | Two-letter abbreviations of a US states and territories. |
AdminLevel1Code | - |
GeoIDPartMapping | Mapping of GeoID parts to their respective FIPS codes types. |
ParsedGeoID | A GeoID parsed to a specific level. |
ParsedGeoIDBlockGroupLevel | A GeoID parsed to the block group level. The second most granular level. |
ParsedGeoIDCountyLevel | A GeoID parsed to the county level. The fifth most granular level. |
ParsedGeoIDCountySubDivisionLevel | A GeoID parsed to the county-subdivision level. The fourth most granular level. |
ParsedGeoIDPartial | A GeoID parsed to a partial level. |
ParsedGeoIDStateLevel | A GeoID parsed to the state level. The least granular level. |
ParsedGeoIDTractLevel | A GeoID parsed to the tract level. The third most granular level. |
StateNameVariation | Common case variations of a US State or Territory name. |
TIGERCurrentVintage | - |
TIGERStateFeature | - |
TIGERStateLevelZIPPath | - |
TIGERTabulatedBlockProperties | The properties of a tabulated block from the TIGER/Line dataset. |
TIGERTractFeature | A geographci feature representing a Census Tract. |
TIGERTractProperties | Properties of a Census Tract. |
$TigerTabulatedBlock | - |
AdminLevel1Abbreviation | - |
AdminLevel1CodeToAbbreviation | A combined set of FIPS codes for US States and Territories. |
GeoIDInputMatchers | Record of GeoID input matchers, i.e. a pattern and parser for each grouping of GeoID components. |
GeoIDPartLength | Record of GeoID parts and their respective lengths. |
TIGERCountySymbol | - |
TIGERLevelOrder | Order of TIGER levels for processing, from largest to smallest. |
isAdminLevel1FIPSCode | Type-predicate to determine if a given string is a valid state-level FIPS code. |
isGeoIDComponent | Type-predicate for checking if a value appears to be a valid GeoID component. |
isStateAbbreviation | Predicate for checking if a string is a proper abbreviation for a US State, rather than a random 2-letter string. |
isStateFIPSCode | Type-predicate to determine if a given string is a valid state FIPS code. |
isStateLevelAbbreviation | Predicate for checking if a string is a proper abbreviation for a US State or territory, rather than a random 2-letter string. |
isStateTerritoryAbbreviation | Predicate for checking if a string is a proper abbreviation for a US Territory, rather than a random 2-letter string. |
isTerritoryFIPSCode | Type-predicate to determine if a given string is a valid territory FIPS code. |
TIGERLevelManifest | - |
TIGERNationZIPPath | Template function to generate a TIGER ZIP file path. |
TIGERStateLevelFileName | Template function to generate a TIGER file name. |
TIGERStateLevelZIPPath | Template function to generate a TIGER ZIP file path. |
TIGERStateManifest | - |