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This package contains a collection of utilities for working with US Census TIGER data.


Enumeration, Interface, Type alias, Variable, FunctionDescription
FIPSStateCodeFIPS codes for US States.
FIPSTerritoryCodeFIPS codes for US Territories.
TIGERFileExtensionFile extension for TIGER data files.
TIGERLevelCensus TIGER levels for geographic data.
TIGERLevelManifestA TIGER manifest for a specific state at a specific level of detail.
FIPSBlockCodeA 4-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a block.
FIPSBlockGeoIDA 15-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a block.
FIPSBlockGroupCodeA 1-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a block group.
FIPSCongressionalDistrictCodeA 2-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a congressional district.
FIPSCountyCodeA 3-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a county.
FIPSCountySubDivisionCodeA 5-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a county sub-division.
FIPSPlaceCodeA 5-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a place.
FIPSTractCodeA 6-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a tract.
FIPSTractGeoIDAn 11-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a tract.
TIGERStateLevelFileNameType-helper for TIGER feature geometry file names.
AdminLevel1CodeA combined set of FIPS codes for US States and Territories.
TIGERCurrentVintageThe current TIGER vintage.
formatGeoIDFormat a parsed block GeoID back into a string.
parseFIPSBlockGeoIDGiven a block GeoID, parse it into its components.
parseFIPSTractGeoIDGiven a tract GeoID, parse it into its components.
parseGeoIDGiven a GeoID, parse it into its components.


Enumeration, Type alias, Variable, FunctionDescription
FIPSStateCodeFIPS codes for US States.
FIPSTerritoryCodeFIPS codes for US Territories.
FIPSBlockCodeA 4-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a block.
FIPSBlockGeoIDA 15-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a block.
FIPSBlockGroupCodeA 1-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a block group.
FIPSCongressionalDistrictCodeA 2-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a congressional district.
FIPSCountyCodeA 3-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a county.
FIPSCountySubDivisionCodeA 5-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a county sub-division.
FIPSPlaceCodeA 5-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a place.
FIPSTractCodeA 6-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a tract.
FIPSTractGeoIDAn 11-digit number assigned by the Census to uniquely identify a tract.
AdminLevel1CodeA combined set of FIPS codes for US States and Territories.
formatGeoIDFormat a parsed block GeoID back into a string.
parseFIPSBlockGeoIDGiven a block GeoID, parse it into its components.
parseFIPSTractGeoIDGiven a tract GeoID, parse it into its components.
parseGeoIDGiven a GeoID, parse it into its components.


Enumeration, Class, Interface, Type alias, Variable, FunctionDescription
GeoIDPartA part of a GeoID to it's respective name.
LegalStatisticalAreaDescriptionDescribes the particular typology for each geographic entity.
StateAbbreviationTwo-letter abbreviations of a US states.
StateNameUS State abbreviations to their full names.
TIGERClassCodeDefines the current class of a geographic entity. These codes can be found in the TIGER/Line products, gazetteer files, and other products.
TIGERFunctionalStatusA code indicating the functional status of a governmental unit.
TIGERGeographicClassificationA code indicating the classification of the block, i.e. urban or rural.
ParsedGeoIDBlockLevelA GeoID parsed to the block level. The most granular level.
StateDetailsDetails about a US State or Territory.
TIGERCountySubdivisionCensus Geographic subdivision of a county.
TIGERPropertyRecordProperties common to all Census.
TIGERStateA US state as defined by the Census Bureau's TIGER system.
TIGERStateManifestA full TIGER manifest for a specific state.
TIGERTabulatedBlockA tabulated block from the TIGER/Line dataset.
AdminLevel1AbbreviationTwo-letter abbreviations of a US states and territories.
GeoIDPartMappingMapping of GeoID parts to their respective FIPS codes types.
ParsedGeoIDA GeoID parsed to a specific level.
ParsedGeoIDBlockGroupLevelA GeoID parsed to the block group level. The second most granular level.
ParsedGeoIDCountyLevelA GeoID parsed to the county level. The fifth most granular level.
ParsedGeoIDCountySubDivisionLevelA GeoID parsed to the county-subdivision level. The fourth most granular level.
ParsedGeoIDPartialA GeoID parsed to a partial level.
ParsedGeoIDStateLevelA GeoID parsed to the state level. The least granular level.
ParsedGeoIDTractLevelA GeoID parsed to the tract level. The third most granular level.
StateNameVariationCommon case variations of a US State or Territory name.
TIGERTabulatedBlockPropertiesThe properties of a tabulated block from the TIGER/Line dataset.
TIGERTractFeatureA geographci feature representing a Census Tract.
TIGERTractPropertiesProperties of a Census Tract.
AdminLevel1CodeToAbbreviationA combined set of FIPS codes for US States and Territories.
GeoIDInputMatchersRecord of GeoID input matchers, i.e. a pattern and parser for each grouping of GeoID components.
GeoIDPartLengthRecord of GeoID parts and their respective lengths.
TIGERLevelOrderOrder of TIGER levels for processing, from largest to smallest.
isAdminLevel1FIPSCodeType-predicate to determine if a given string is a valid state-level FIPS code.
isGeoIDComponentType-predicate for checking if a value appears to be a valid GeoID component.
isStateAbbreviationPredicate for checking if a string is a proper abbreviation for a US State, rather than a random 2-letter string.
isStateFIPSCodeType-predicate to determine if a given string is a valid state FIPS code.
isStateLevelAbbreviationPredicate for checking if a string is a proper abbreviation for a US State or territory, rather than a random 2-letter string.
isStateTerritoryAbbreviationPredicate for checking if a string is a proper abbreviation for a US Territory, rather than a random 2-letter string.
isTerritoryFIPSCodeType-predicate to determine if a given string is a valid territory FIPS code.
TIGERNationZIPPathTemplate function to generate a TIGER ZIP file path.
TIGERStateLevelFileNameTemplate function to generate a TIGER file name.
TIGERStateLevelZIPPathTemplate function to generate a TIGER ZIP file path.


Enumeration, VariableDescription
FIPSStateCodeFIPS codes for US States.
AdminLevel1CodeA combined set of FIPS codes for US States and Territories.


Enumeration, VariableDescription
FIPSTerritoryCodeFIPS codes for US Territories.
AdminLevel1CodeA combined set of FIPS codes for US States and Territories.