Entity Classification
One or more classes which apply to the entity.
Enumeration Members
Enumeration Member | Value | Description |
CompetitiveLocalExchangeCarrier | "CLEC" | Title Competitive Local Exchange Carrier A carrier that competes with the ILEC in a given market. |
Cooperative | "COOPERATIVE" | Title Cooperative (Co-Op) |
DCAgent | "DC_AGENT" | Title DC Agent An agent in Washington DC who can accept service of process and official notices for the company. |
IncumbentLocalExchangeCarrier | "ILEC" | Title Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier Typically reserved for telephone companies that were in existence when the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was enacted. |
InterExchange | "INTEREXCHANGE" | Title Inter-exchange Carrier A carrier that provides long-distance telecommunications services. |
Municipal | "MUNICIPAL" | Title Municipal Carrier |
NonProfit | "NON_PROFIT" | Title Non-Profit Organization |
Other | "OTHER" | Title Other Carrier A carrier that does not fit into the ILEC or CLEC categories, possibly because we lack information about their classification. |
PrivateSectorCompany | "PRIVATE_SECTOR" | Title Private Sector Company |
Rural | "RURAL" | Title Rural Carrier |
StateOrLocalAgency | "STATE_OR_LOCAL_AGENCY" | Title State or Local Agency A state or local government agency that provides telecommunications services, such as a municipal broadband network. |
TollReseller | "TOLL_RESELLER" | Title Toll Reseller A company that resells long-distance services. |
UniversalServiceFundContributor | "USF_CONTRIBUTOR" | Title Universal Service Fund Contributor An entity that contributes to the Universal Service Fund, which supports telecommunications services in rural and underserved areas. |