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Entity Classification

One or more classes which apply to the entity.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration MemberValueDescription
CompetitiveLocalExchangeCarrier"CLEC"Title Competitive Local Exchange Carrier A carrier that competes with the ILEC in a given market.
Cooperative"COOPERATIVE"Title Cooperative (Co-Op)
DCAgent"DC_AGENT"Title DC Agent An agent in Washington DC who can accept service of process and official notices for the company.
IncumbentLocalExchangeCarrier"ILEC"Title Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier Typically reserved for telephone companies that were in existence when the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was enacted.
InterExchange"INTEREXCHANGE"Title Inter-exchange Carrier A carrier that provides long-distance telecommunications services.
Municipal"MUNICIPAL"Title Municipal Carrier
NonProfit"NON_PROFIT"Title Non-Profit Organization
Other"OTHER"Title Other Carrier A carrier that does not fit into the ILEC or CLEC categories, possibly because we lack information about their classification.
PrivateSectorCompany"PRIVATE_SECTOR"Title Private Sector Company
Rural"RURAL"Title Rural Carrier
StateOrLocalAgency"STATE_OR_LOCAL_AGENCY"Title State or Local Agency A state or local government agency that provides telecommunications services, such as a municipal broadband network.
TollReseller"TOLL_RESELLER"Title Toll Reseller A company that resells long-distance services.
UniversalServiceFundContributor"USF_CONTRIBUTOR"Title Universal Service Fund Contributor An entity that contributes to the Universal Service Fund, which supports telecommunications services in rural and underserved areas.