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Nexus Mailwoman

This package contains a collection of modules for working with contacts for email, phone, and postal addresses.


Type alias, VariableDescription
StreetSuffixA USPS street suffix, i.e. "Street", "Avenue", "Boulevard", etc.
StreetSuffixAbbreviationA USPS-recognized street suffix abbreviation.
USPSStandardSuffixAbbreviationA standardized USPS street suffix abbreviation, i.e. "ST", "AVE", "BLVD", etc.
StreetSuffixAbbreviationRecordA record mapping known USPS street suffixes to their respective abbreviations.


Type aliasDescription
ZipCodeA ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) Code is a five-digit code assigned by the USPS to a section of a street, a collection of streets, an establishment, structure, or group of post office boxes, for the delivery of mail.
ZipCodePlusFourThe extended ZIP code format includes the five-digit ZIP code followed by a hyphen and four additional digits. This extended format is used to provide more precise location information.


Type alias, FunctionDescription
SanitizedOrganizationNameA formatted organization name, ready for tokenization and lookup.
sanitizeOrganizationNameGiven a organization name, attempt to normalize the contents for easier tokenization.


Namespace, Enumeration, Class, Interface, Type alias, Variable, FunctionDescription
PostalAddressAccuracyAccuracy of the postal address, i.e. how precise the address is.
PostalAddressPartA part of a postal address to it's respective name.
EmailContactAn contact method via email.
OrganizationA telecommunications entity registered with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
ParsedPersonNameA parsed person name result.
PhoneContactAn contact method via phone.
PointOfContactA specific person, customer, or representative of an organization that can be contacted.
UnitDesignatorsMatchResult of a unit designator lookup.
DirectionalMatchResult of a directional lookup.
DirectionalVariationA type that represents all possible directional abbreviations.
ExtractStateFromZipCodeType utility to extract the state abbreviation from a ZIP code.
MobilePhoneNumberTagged type for valid mobile phone numbers.
PhoneNumberValid phone number, in E.164 format.
PostalAddressIDA ID representing an encoded postal address.
StreetSuffixMatchResult of a successful USPS street suffix lookup.
UnitDesignatorSecondary address unit designators are used to identify a specific unit within a building or complex.
UnitDesignatorAbbreviationSecondary address unit designator abbreviations.
UnitDesignatorsAbbreviationA USPS abbreviation variant.
UnitDesignatorsAbbreviationRecordA record mapping unit abbreviations to their full names.
ZipCodeDigitUSPS-recognized ZIP code digits.
AbbreviationToDirectionalA mapping of directional abbreviations to their respective names.
DirectionAbbreviationRecordA record mapping directional names to their abbreviations.
DirectionalAbbreviationRecordA record mapping directional abbreviations to their full names.
DirectionalToAbbreviationMapA mapping of directionals to their respective abbreviations.
FormattedAddressPartsThe parts of a postal address that can be formatted into a human-readable string.
PrimaryAddressPartsThe primary address parts to include in a formatted address. Typically, the first line of an address.
SecondaryAddressPartsThe secondary address parts to include in a formatted address. Typically, the second line of an address.
StateAbbreviationZipCodePrefixRecordRecord of US state abbreviations to their corresponding ZIP code prefix.
UnitDesignatorAbbreviationPatternMapA record mapping unit abbreviations to their pattern matchers.
UnitDesignatorAbbreviationRecordA record mapping unit prefixes to their abbreviations.
UnitDesignatorAbbreviationsUSPS-recognized secondary address unit designator abbreviations.
UnitDesignatorRecordA record mapping designator abbreviations to their full names.
UnitDesignatorsUSPS-recognized secondary address unit designators.
ZipCodePatternsRegex patterns for ZIP codes.
ZipCodePrefixAbbreviationMapMap of ZIP code prefixes to their corresponding US state abbreviations.
createPostalAddressIDCreate a token representing a postal address.
formatAddressFromPartsGiven a PostalAddress, format the address into a human-readable string, suitable for printing on a shipping label.
isPostalAddressIDType-predicate to determine if a string is formatted as a PostalAddressID.
isStreetSuffixType-predicate to determine if a given input is a StreetSuffix.
isZipCodeType-predicate to determine if a value is a valid ZIP code.
lookupDirectionalGiven a directional abbreviation, lookup it's corresponding directional name.
lookupDirectionalAbbreviationGiven a directional name, returns the corresponding abbreviation.
lookupStreetSuffixLookup a USPS street suffix and its preferred abbreviation.
parseContactNameParse a full name into its components.
parsePostalAddressIDParse a postal address token into a header.
partitionFormattedAddressPartitions a formatted address into segments for parsing.
pluckDirectionalNameGiven a directional abbreviation, returns the corresponding direction.
pluckStateZIPCodeGiven a address string like "NY", "CA 94016", attempts to match the state abbreviation and postal code, if applicable.
pluckUnitDesignatorGiven a unit designator abbreviation, returns the corresponding unit designator.
sortAddressLinesFormats a list of address lines into a single, comma-delimited string.


Enumeration, Interface, Type alias, Variable, FunctionDescription
DirectionalAbbreviationThe 8 directional abbreviations accepted by the USPS.
PostalAddressDescribes the properties of a postal delivery address.
SanitizedPostalAddressA formatted postal address, ready for tokenization and lookup.
StreetSuffixA USPS street suffix, i.e. "Street", "Avenue", "Boulevard", etc.
StreetSuffixAbbreviationA USPS-recognized street suffix abbreviation.
USPSStandardSuffixAbbreviationA standardized USPS street suffix abbreviation, i.e. "ST", "AVE", "BLVD", etc.
ZipCodeA ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) Code is a five-digit code assigned by the USPS to a section of a street, a collection of streets, an establishment, structure, or group of post office boxes, for the delivery of mail.
ZipCodePlusFourThe extended ZIP code format includes the five-digit ZIP code followed by a hyphen and four additional digits. This extended format is used to provide more precise location information.
DirectionalNamesThe 8 directional names accepted by the USPS.
StreetSuffixAbbreviationRecordA record mapping known USPS street suffixes to their respective abbreviations.
parseFormattedAddressGiven a formatted address, attempts to parse out the known parts for a US address.
sanitizePostalAddressGiven a human-provided formatted address, attempt to normalize the contents for easier tokenization.


Type alias, VariableDescription
StreetSuffixA USPS street suffix, i.e. "Street", "Avenue", "Boulevard", etc.
StreetSuffixAbbreviationA USPS-recognized street suffix abbreviation.
USPSStandardSuffixAbbreviationA standardized USPS street suffix abbreviation, i.e. "ST", "AVE", "BLVD", etc.
StreetSuffixAbbreviationRecordA record mapping known USPS street suffixes to their respective abbreviations.