EmailContactUtils | - |
PhoneContactUtils | - |
OrganizationClassification | - |
PostalAddressAccuracy | Accuracy of the postal address, i.e. how precise the address is. |
PostalAddressPart | A part of a postal address to it's respective name. |
AddressParsingError | - |
CreatePostalAddressIDOptions | - |
EmailContact | An contact method via email. |
Organization | A telecommunications entity registered with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). |
ParsedPersonName | A parsed person name result. |
ParsedPostalAddressID | - |
PhoneContact | An contact method via phone. |
PluckedStateZIPCodeResult | - |
PointOfContact | A specific person, customer, or representative of an organization that can be contacted. |
PostalAddressFeature | - |
UnitDesignatorsMatch | Result of a unit designator lookup. |
$EmailContact | - |
$Organization | - |
$PhoneContact | - |
$PointOfContact | - |
$PostalAddress | - |
DirectionAbbreviationRecord | - |
DirectionalAbbreviationRecord | - |
DirectionalAbbreviationVariation | - |
DirectionalMatch | Result of a directional lookup. |
DirectionalName | - |
DirectionalVariation | A type that represents all possible directional abbreviations. |
ExtractStateFromZipCode | Type utility to extract the state abbreviation from a ZIP code. |
MobilePhoneNumber | Tagged type for valid mobile phone numbers. |
PhoneNumber | Valid phone number, in E.164 format. |
PostalAddressID | A ID representing an encoded postal address. |
PrimaryAddressParts | - |
SecondaryAddressParts | - |
StreetSuffixAbbreviationRecord | - |
StreetSuffixMatch | Result of a successful USPS street suffix lookup. |
UnitDesignator | Secondary address unit designators are used to identify a specific unit within a building or complex. |
UnitDesignatorAbbreviation | Secondary address unit designator abbreviations. |
UnitDesignatorRecord | - |
UnitDesignatorsAbbreviation | A USPS abbreviation variant. |
UnitDesignatorsAbbreviationRecord | A record mapping unit abbreviations to their full names. |
ZipCodeDigit | USPS-recognized ZIP code digits. |
$EmailContact | - |
$Organization | - |
$PhoneContact | - |
$PointOfContact | - |
$PostalAddress | - |
AbbreviationToDirectional | A mapping of directional abbreviations to their respective names. |
DirectionAbbreviationRecord | A record mapping directional names to their abbreviations. |
DirectionalAbbreviationRecord | A record mapping directional abbreviations to their full names. |
DirectionalNameVariations | - |
DirectionalToAbbreviationMap | A mapping of directionals to their respective abbreviations. |
FormattedAddressParts | The parts of a postal address that can be formatted into a human-readable string. |
PrimaryAddressParts | The primary address parts to include in a formatted address. Typically, the first line of an address. |
SecondaryAddressParts | The secondary address parts to include in a formatted address. Typically, the second line of an address. |
StateAbbreviationZipCodePrefixRecord | Record of US state abbreviations to their corresponding ZIP code prefix. |
UnitDesignatorAbbreviationPatternMap | A record mapping unit abbreviations to their pattern matchers. |
UnitDesignatorAbbreviationRecord | A record mapping unit prefixes to their abbreviations. |
UnitDesignatorAbbreviations | USPS-recognized secondary address unit designator abbreviations. |
UnitDesignatorRecord | A record mapping designator abbreviations to their full names. |
UnitDesignators | USPS-recognized secondary address unit designators. |
ZipCodePatterns | Regex patterns for ZIP codes. |
ZipCodePrefixAbbreviationMap | Map of ZIP code prefixes to their corresponding US state abbreviations. |
castToPostalAddressFeature | - |
createPostalAddressID | Create a token representing a postal address. |
formatAddressFromParts | Given a PostalAddress , format the address into a human-readable string, suitable for printing on a shipping label. |
formatOrganizationName | - |
isPostalAddressID | Type-predicate to determine if a string is formatted as a PostalAddressID . |
isStreetSuffix | Type-predicate to determine if a given input is a StreetSuffix. |
isZipCode | Type-predicate to determine if a value is a valid ZIP code. |
lookupDirectional | Given a directional abbreviation, lookup it's corresponding directional name. |
lookupDirectionalAbbreviation | Given a directional name, returns the corresponding abbreviation. |
lookupStreetSuffix | Lookup a USPS street suffix and its preferred abbreviation. |
parseContactName | Parse a full name into its components. |
parsePostalAddressID | Parse a postal address token into a header. |
partitionFormattedAddress | Partitions a formatted address into segments for parsing. |
pluckDirectionalName | Given a directional abbreviation, returns the corresponding direction. |
pluckStateZIPCode | Given a address string like "NY" , "CA 94016" , attempts to match the state abbreviation and postal code, if applicable. |
pluckUnitDesignator | Given a unit designator abbreviation, returns the corresponding unit designator. |
sortAddressLines | Formats a list of address lines into a single, comma-delimited string. |