BarCharacter | A character to use for the progress bar. |
DataSourceFile | Valid data source files. |
DataSourceName | Valid data source package names. |
LineDelimitedCharacter | Commonly used character codes for newline-delimited files. |
SQLiteFileExtension | - |
NexusDataSource | A TypeORM data source for ISP Nexus modules. |
ParquetReader | A typed Parquet reader, wrapping the base Parquet reader. |
ParquetSchema | Typed Parquet schema. |
ParquetSchemaDefinitionCache | - |
ParquetWriter | A typed Parquet writer, wrapping the base Parquet writer. |
SnakeNamingStrategy | A TypeORM naming strategy that converts names to snake_case. |
SpatiaLiteDriver | A TypeORM driver for working with SpatiaLite databases. |
SpatiaLiteQueryRunner | - |
BarPayload | Payload for a progress bar. |
ChildProgressBar | Child instance of a progress bar managed by a ProgressBarManager . |
ColumnInfo | Information about a column in a table. |
CreateCLIProgressBarOptions | - |
CreateNewlineWriterOptions | - |
MigrationMetadata | - |
NewlineWriter | - |
NexusDataSourceConfig | - |
ProgressBarManager | - |
ResolvedESModule | Resolved ES module type with a default export. |
SQLPathConfig | Result of inferring SQL paths from a source file or directory. |
TakeReadStreamLinesOptions | Options for reading newline-delimited files. |
BufferLike | A buffer-like object that can be written to a file. |
CamelCaseKey | Convert literal string types like 'foo-bar' to 'fooBar', allowing all PropertyKey types. |
CommandHandler | A command handler, as used by yargs. |
EnvironmentModuleSource | Source from which to import the environment module. |
ExtractESModuleDefault | Type-helper to extracts the default export from an ES module. |
MemoryDBStoragePath | - |
MigrationDirection | - |
MigrationInterfaceConstructor | - |
ParquetRecordLike | A Parquet record-like object, i.e. a record with string keys and JSON-serializable values. |
ParquetSchemaDefinition | Typed Parquet schema definition. |
ScriptCallback | A script callback function to invoke. |
SQLFieldWithoutPostProcessing | - |
SQLitePragma | A pragma that can be set on a SQLite database. |
SQLitePragmaRecord | A record of SQLite pragmas and their respective values. |
SQLitePragmaValue | The value of a pragma that can be set on a SQLite database. |
StrictArgKeys | The keys of StrictArgs . |
StrictArgs | Command handler arguments, with all keys available in camelCase. |
TLSCertResult | Result of reading local development cert files. |
UnparsedRow | A row of data that has not been fully parsed by TypeORM. |
WriteMigrationOptions | - |
ZipEntryContentPair | - |
$prefersJSONLogging | Whether to prefer JSON logging. |
$private | A record containing only private environment variables. |
$ProgressBarManager | Progress bar manager for CLI task runners. |
$public | A record containing only public environment variables. |
DefaultSpatialiteExtensionFileName | Default Spatialite extension file name. |
MemoryDBStoragePath | Virtual path for an in-memory SQLite database. |
assertDirectoryIsUntracked | Asserts that the given directory is ephemeral, i.e. not a source code directory and capable of being cleaned. |
assertExpectedFileExtension | Runtime assertion that a file extension is one of the expected values. |
assertIsDirectory | Asserts that the given path is a directory. |
changeFileExtension | - |
cleanCompiledArtifacts | Cleans the compiled TypeScript artifacts for the given package. |
cleanDirectory | Cleans the given directory, creating it if it does not exist. |
cleanDistributionArtifacts | - |
cleanFile | Cleans the given file path. |
cleanGeneratedArtifacts | - |
collectPendingMigrationFiles | - |
copyToClipboard | Copy the given input to the OS clipboard. |
createBloomFilters | Given a Parquet schema and a list of columns, create a list of Bloom filters for those columns. |
createCLIProgressBar | Create a new CLI progress bar. |
createETag | - |
createNewlineWriter | Creates a writer for newline-delimited files. |
dataSourcePathBuilder | Path builder relative to the package root. |
extractSingleFileZip | Extract the contents of a zip file and return the first entry. |
importEnvironmentModule | - |
inferColumnIndexConfig | - |
inferIndexName | Given a column name, infers a reasonable index name. |
inferSQLPaths | Infer common SQL paths from a single source. |
logScriptError | Logs an error that occurred while running a script. |
matchOne | Creates a where clause such as that each criteria only needs to be met once. |
pluckDefaultExport | Plucks the default export from an ES module. |
pluckFileExtension | Pluck the file extension from a file name. |
postScriptCleanup | Cleans up services and exits the script cleanly. |
prepareMigrationsTable | Prepares the migrations table in the database. |
readCurrentMigrations | - |
readRange | - |
runIfScript | Given a module's import.meta object, resolves if the module was run as a NPM script. |
runMigration | Reads a migration file from disk. |
runScript | Runs a script callback and handles cleanup. |
takeBufferLines | Given a buffer containing newline-delimited data, yield each line. |
takeReadStreamLines | Given a readable stream containing newline-delimited data, yield each line. |