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Nexus FCC

This package contains a collection of modules that provide access to the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) APIs, as well as utilities for working with FCC data.


BandwidthUnitThe unit of measurement for bandwidth.


Enumeration, Variable, FunctionDescription
BroadbandTechnologyCategoryFCC broadband technology categories.
BroadbandTechnologyCodeFCC broadband technology codes.
BroadbandTechnologyCategoryToCodeSetA mapping of broadband technology categories to their respective technology codes.
BroadbandTechnologyCodeToCategoryNameA mapping of broadband technology codes to their respective category names.
pluckBroadbandTechnologyCategoryFromCodeGiven a broadband technology code, return the category name.
pluckBroadbandTechnologyCodesFromCategoryGiven a broadband technology category, return the set of technology codes.


Enumeration, Type alias, Variable, FunctionDescription
BroadbandTechnologyCategoryFCC broadband technology categories.
BroadbandTechnologyCodeFCC broadband technology codes.
BuildingTypeCodeCode indicating the type of building at the location.
ProviderIDA 6-digit number assigned by the FCC to uniquely identify a broadband provider.
BroadbandTechnologyCategoryToCodeSetA mapping of broadband technology categories to their respective technology codes.
BroadbandTechnologyCodeToCategoryNameA mapping of broadband technology codes to their respective category names.
isProviderIDType-predicate for checking if a value appears to be a valid provider ID.
pluckBroadbandTechnologyCategoryFromCodeGiven a broadband technology code, return the category name.
pluckBroadbandTechnologyCodesFromCategoryGiven a broadband technology category, return the set of technology codes.

Form 499

Type alias, FunctionDescription
ProviderIDA 6-digit number assigned by the FCC to uniquely identify a broadband provider.
isProviderIDType-predicate for checking if a value appears to be a valid provider ID.


BuildingTypeCodeCode indicating the type of building at the location.


Enumeration, Interface, Type alias, Variable, FunctionDescription
BusinessResidentialCodeCode indicating the type of building at the location.
BroadbandProviderA broadband provider registered with the FCC, identified by a unique 6-digit provider ID.
ConvertBandwidthOptionsOptions for converting bandwidth.
BroadbandServicableLocationIDUnique ID for the Fabric location.
FCC_StateIDSnake_case identifier for a US State or Territory. Used by the FCC API.
Form499IDA unique identifier for the Form 499 submission. Typically present for telecommunications providers and other entities that pay into the Universal Service Fund.
FRNAlso known as a CORES ID, this is a unique identifier for the entity in the FCC's CORES system.
PlanPrefixA single character prefix indicating the technology type of the plan.
PlanTechnologyThe technology type of the plan, i.e. fixed or mobile broadband.
PlanPrefixToTechnologyA mapping of plan prefixes to plan technologies.
PlanTechnologyToPrefixA mapping of plan technologies to plan prefixes.
PROVIDER_INPUT_PATTERNPattern for validating a provider ID.
convertBandwidthConverts the bandwidth to the desired unit.
formatBandwidthGiven a bandwidth value, formats it as a string with the appropriate unit.
formatPlanIdentifierFormats a parsed plan into a string.
isBroadbandServicableLocationIDType-predicate for checking if a value appears to be a valid Broadband Servicable Location ID.
isFRNPredicate to check if a string is a valid FCC Registration Number (FRN).
isPlanPrefixPredicate to check if a string is a valid plan prefix.
isPlanTechnologyPredicate to check if a string is a valid plan technology.