Nexus FCC
This package contains a collection of modules that provide access to the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) APIs, as well as utilities for working with FCC data.
Enumeration | Description |
BandwidthUnit | The unit of measurement for bandwidth. |
Enumeration, Variable, Function | Description |
BroadbandTechnologyCategory | FCC broadband technology categories. |
BroadbandTechnologyCode | FCC broadband technology codes. |
BroadbandTechnologyCategoryToCodeSet | A mapping of broadband technology categories to their respective technology codes. |
BroadbandTechnologyCodeToCategoryName | A mapping of broadband technology codes to their respective category names. |
pluckBroadbandTechnologyCategoryFromCode | Given a broadband technology code, return the category name. |
pluckBroadbandTechnologyCodesFromCategory | Given a broadband technology category, return the set of technology codes. |
Enumeration, Type alias, Variable, Function | Description |
BroadbandTechnologyCategory | FCC broadband technology categories. |
BroadbandTechnologyCode | FCC broadband technology codes. |
BuildingTypeCode | Code indicating the type of building at the location. |
ProviderID | A 6-digit number assigned by the FCC to uniquely identify a broadband provider. |
BroadbandTechnologyCategoryToCodeSet | A mapping of broadband technology categories to their respective technology codes. |
BroadbandTechnologyCodeToCategoryName | A mapping of broadband technology codes to their respective category names. |
isProviderID | Type-predicate for checking if a value appears to be a valid provider ID. |
pluckBroadbandTechnologyCategoryFromCode | Given a broadband technology code, return the category name. |
pluckBroadbandTechnologyCodesFromCategory | Given a broadband technology category, return the set of technology codes. |
Form 499
Type alias, Function | Description |
ProviderID | A 6-digit number assigned by the FCC to uniquely identify a broadband provider. |
isProviderID | Type-predicate for checking if a value appears to be a valid provider ID. |
Enumeration | Description |
BuildingTypeCode | Code indicating the type of building at the location. |
Enumeration, Interface, Type alias, Variable, Function | Description |
BusinessResidentialCode | Code indicating the type of building at the location. |
BroadbandProvider | A broadband provider registered with the FCC, identified by a unique 6-digit provider ID. |
ConvertBandwidthOptions | Options for converting bandwidth. |
ParsedPlanIdentifier | - |
$BroadbandProvider | - |
BroadbandServicableLocationID | Unique ID for the Fabric location. |
BroadbandTechnologyCategoryToCodeSet | - |
BroadbandTechnologyCodeToCategoryName | - |
FCC_StateID | Snake_case identifier for a US State or Territory. Used by the FCC API. |
Form499ID | A unique identifier for the Form 499 submission. Typically present for telecommunications providers and other entities that pay into the Universal Service Fund. |
FRN | Also known as a CORES ID, this is a unique identifier for the entity in the FCC's CORES system. |
PlanPrefix | A single character prefix indicating the technology type of the plan. |
PlanTechnology | The technology type of the plan, i.e. fixed or mobile broadband. |
$BroadbandProvider | - |
PlanPrefixToTechnology | A mapping of plan prefixes to plan technologies. |
PlanTechnologyToPrefix | A mapping of plan technologies to plan prefixes. |
PROVIDER_INPUT_PATTERN | Pattern for validating a provider ID. |
convertBandwidth | Converts the bandwidth to the desired unit. |
formatBandwidth | Given a bandwidth value, formats it as a string with the appropriate unit. |
formatPlanIdentifier | Formats a parsed plan into a string. |
isBroadbandServicableLocationID | Type-predicate for checking if a value appears to be a valid Broadband Servicable Location ID. |
isFRN | Predicate to check if a string is a valid FCC Registration Number (FRN). |
isPlanPrefix | Predicate to check if a string is a valid plan prefix. |
isPlanTechnology | Predicate to check if a string is a valid plan technology. |
parseBroadbandLabelIdentifier | - |
pluckUniquePlanID | - |