ModelIDLength | - |
TemporalColumnName | - |
UserAgent | Common user agent strings. |
APIClient | A base class for API clients used in ISP Nexus. |
JSONSet | JSON-seralizable set. |
PredicateError | Error thrown when a predicate fails. |
SetTuple | Set constructor that only accepts string values. |
APIClientConfig | Configuration for an API client. |
ExperimentalSetMethods | - |
IndexedIterable | Iterable that can be checked for the existence of a member. |
IRuntimeLogger | Logger with browser methods, as well as async disposability. |
RequiredEnvironment | A record containing all of the required environment variables for . Absence of any of these variables will result in a startup error. |
ResponseContainer | A response container, wrapping the actual response body. |
TemporalProperties | Common temporal properties for database entities. |
EnvironmentRecord | A record containing all of the environment variables for ISP Nexus. |
ExtractJSON | JSON serialize type. |
ExtractJSONProperties | JSON serialize objects (not including arrays) and classes. |
ExtractResponseBodyData | Type-helper to recursively pluck the data property from a response body. |
ExtractResponseData | Type-helper to pluck the response body, possibly from within an Axios response. |
InferTupleMember | Type-helper for extracting the value type from a constant set. |
ISPNexusPackage | Valid package names for ISP Nexus. |
ISPNexusPackageFn | Type-signature for a package-scoped function. |
ISPNexusSchemaURL | - |
NumericProperties | Extracts the property keys of an object that are of type number . |
PickJSON | Pick JSON properties from an object. |
PrivateEnvironment | Subset environment kept private. |
PrivateEnvironmentKey | Private environment keys. |
PublicEnvironment | Subset environment safe to reveal to the public. |
PublicEnvironmentKey | Public environment keys. |
RequiredEnvironmentKey | Required environment keys. |
ResponseLike | - |
SHA3Input | - |
SHA3Seed | - |
StringKeyOf | Type-utility for extracting the string keys of an object. |
WithExperimentalSetMethods | - |
EnvironmentKeys | ISP Nexus recognized environment keys. |
EnvironmentNames | Standard Node.js runtime environment values. |
ISPNexusPackages | Packages used in the ISP Nexus mono-repo. |
NIL_UUID | A placeholder UUID for empty values. |
OptionalEnvironmentKey | A tuple of all of the optional environment keys. |
RequiredEnvironmentKeys | A tuple of all of the required environment keys. |
TemporalColumnNames | All temporal column names. Used for SQL select queries. |
TemporalColumnOptions | TypeORM column options for temporal properties. |
assertEnvironmentRecordPresent | Asserts that the given input contains all of the required environment keys. |
assertOptionalKeyPresent | Runtime assertion that an optional key is present. |
checkConnectivity | - |
continueIf | Resolves promise if condition is truthy, otherwise throws an error. |
delegateAxiosError | Delegate Axios errors to an appropriate error handler. |
isIndexedIterable | Type-predicate for checking if an member within an iterable can be checked for existence. |
isSetLike | Type-predicate for checking if a value is a Set-like object. |
isUniformlyCased | Predicate to determine if a given string is uniformly cased, i.e. all uppercase or all lowercase. |
isUUIDBytes | - |
iterateInParallel | Convenience function to await an async iterable. |
JSONSchemaID | - |
normalizeSHASeeds | - |
pick | - |
pickJSON | - |
pluckResponseData | Helper function to recursively pluck the data property from a response body. |
simpleSHA3 | - |
smartCamelCase | Converts a name to camelCase, unless the name is already in all caps. |
smartCapitalCase | Capitalizes a string, unless the string is uniformly cased, or an email address. |
smartSnakeCase | Converts a name to snake_case, unless the name is already in all caps. |
sumOf | Given an iterable of objects, returns the sum of the specified property. |
supressErrors | Something like an identity function, but swallows errors and returns null. |
take | Given an iterable, returns an array of arrays of the specified size. |
takeInParallel | Given an iterable collection, returns an async iterable, executing the callback on each batch. |
throwIf | Resolves promise if condition is falsy, otherwise throws an error. |
tryParsingJSON | Given serialized JSON, attempt to parse it. |
tuple | Creates a readonly tuple-like set of values. |
waitForTimeout | Promise-based sleep function. |