Nexus Cartographer
This package contains a collection of modules for working rendering maps and spatial data.
Class | Description |
LayerSpecificationList | - |
StyleSpecificationComposer | A stateful class for composing a style specification. |
Interface | Description |
StyleSpecificationComposition | - |
TileJSON | TileJSON is an open standard for representing map metadata. |
TileJSONVectorLayer | A vector layer definition for a TileJSON object. |
Type Aliases
Type alias | Description |
BaseBDCLayerSpecification | Base specification for a Broadband Data Collection layer. |
BDCLayerSpecificationInput | Broadband Data Collection layer specifications. |
LayerSpecificationListInput | - |
LayerSpecificationListItem | - |
ProtomapsTheme | Theme definition for Protomaps. |
TileCoords | Literal type for a tile coord array. |
TileSetSourceID | The tilesets available in the Nexus Tile API. |
TileSetSourceRecord | Vector source specifications for each tileset. |
Variable | Description |
BaseLayers | - |
BDCTileSetID | Identifier for the Broadband Data Collection tile set. |
BroadbandDataCollectionLayers | - |
BuildingLayers | Layer definitions for building data. |
HillsLayerID | - |
HSPATileSetID | Identifier for the Health Service Provider Access tile set. |
MUATileSetID | - |
NexusBaseTheme | The Nexus theme for Protomaps via MapLibre. |
NexusBaseTileSetID | Identifier for the Nexus base tileset. |
TIGERBlocksTileSetID | - |
TIGERLayers | - |
TIGERTractsTileSetID | - |
TileAPI | API Client for fetching Protomap tile data. |
Function | Description |
createBDCLayer | - |
createLightSpec | - |
createSkySpec | - |
fetchTileSetSources | - |
fetchTileSetSourceSpec | - |
LayerID | Declares a namespaced layer identifier. |
parseTileCoordParams | - |
pointToTile | Get the tile for a point at a specified zoom level |
pointToTileFraction | - |
TileSetSourceID | Declares a tileset identifier. |